Sustainable Strategic Planning Conference

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About Us

Hi, I'm Francis Wade, founder of the Sustainable Strategic Planning Conference.

Welcome to our private conference space, built to help us access conference content and interact with participants and presenters.

I'm part of a team - my co-host Dale Pilgrim-Wade is also my wife, and we are supported by a HelpDesk made up of willing volunteers.

BTW, I'm also the author of the JumpLeap Newsletter which focuses on interwoven short/long-term strategic planning.

Find out more about me on Linkedin - I'll be glad to connect.

When I'm not involved in conferences, I run Framework Consulting where we specialize in strategic planning and employee productivity.

Here is a link I had to a podcast recording I did with Dr. Robert Kaplan, of Balanced Scorecard fame.

This discussion was extended over a couple of days, resulting in a number of useful changes to the way we do our work.

We're grateful for rare opportunities like this, and the Sustainable Strategic Planning Conference, to share and learn at the same time!

Why Should You Join Us?

Most of our attendees are likely to be businesspeople with interests in executive strategic planning, consulting or advocating ESG/sustainability.


If you happen to be in a company, you may be acutely aware that in most organizations, long-term strategic planning took a backseat during COVID-19.

While they retained short-term tactics in order to survive the pandemic, they postponed long-term discussions. If this resonates with you, your team may be looking to return to this practice.

But you don't want to simply repeat the old approaches; you want to learn the latest thinking in the area of interwoven short/long-term strategic planning.


You are someone who advises clients and assists them in their strategic planning. While there may not have been a huge demand for your services in the recent past, you anticipate an increase as companies return to a less frenetic pace.

But it's been some time since you facilitated a strategic plan with a time horizon of greater than 10 years. As such, you would like to share approaches with your colleagues in light of recent trends like sustainability/ESG.


If you are an advocate for sustainability in organizations, you may have an interest in achieving outcomes which serve People/Purpose/Planet at the same time.

You desire a world that works for everyone, especially with regards to long-term threats such as climate change and DE&I. You believe that organizations have a critical role to play.

In particular, you have made a connection between organizational strategic planning activities

But regardless of your category, you'll find a place to explore topics which affect profits, people and planet via the power of interwoven short/long-term thinking.